It’s about time: Format timestamps and time zones in the ngrok dashboard

July 24, 2024
min read
Russ Savage

One of the great things about being at a developer focused service like ngrok is being able to get great feedback from the community about new and upcoming products. As we were building our new Traffic Inspector, we heard from users that they needed a way to customize the timestamps of their requests to make it easier to align with other tools.

When we looked into the change, we realized quickly that there are many areas of the ngrok Dashboard that could benefit from having localized timestamps.  It’s now easier to pinpoint exactly when an event occurred, without having to convert to a local timezone. This brings clarity and zero misinterpretation about when something happened, making debugging and event observability more precise. 

To that end, we are excited to roll out a small but very important change to the ngrok Dashboard that allows you to choose the timezone and format of all timestamps displayed in your account. 

You can access it from the User Settings page in the drop down menu next to your account name. You can choose between your local timezone or UTC to help align with other tools in your stack. You can also choose the date and time format depending on where you are located (month-day-year vs day-month-year for example). If none of our preconfigured options work for you, feel free to define your own.

We also recently migrated and aggregated some old issues from the original ngrok v1 repository into a new Community Feedback Github repository that anyone can use to give feedback about any ngrok products. One outstanding issue that came up multiple times was about being able to distinguish between repeat requests in the ngrok agent console UI. 

To that end, we have also added timestamps there to help you distinguish between requests to the same endpoint with the same HTTP method. 

We hope you enjoy these small but impactful changes and we look forward to hearing from you in our community repository.

Try it now

Set the date format and time zone right from the ngrok dashboard. ISign up for an account and get started today.

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Russ Savage
Russ Savage is a Product Manager at ngrok & loves contributing to open-source projects. He was previously building developer tools and experiences at InfluxData
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