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Keith Casey
Keith Casey

Getting Started with Webhooks

From the earliest webhooks at Twilio to every major SaaS platform, webhooks have become a defacto standard in web development. But before we can use them well, we have to use them correctly. Let's look at what that takes.
March 22, 2022
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Automating Remote Systems with ngrok and Zapier

We love the phrase "Happier with Zapier" because we can get rid of those menial, repetitive tasks like updating spreadsheets. Check out what we can automate by adding ngrok and a remote API.
March 8, 2022
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Integrating VSCode and ngrok

Learn how to set up and manage ngrok tunnels straight from VS Code. If you want to do the same, grab your VS Code and follow along.
March 1, 2022
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Logging, Inspecting & Replaying traffic with ngrok

Testing code is a tedious task and can take a lot of time, especially when certain conditions – i.e. trigger a webhook or API request from a service or load certain pages as a user – are required.
February 22, 2022
min read
Frederico Hakamine
Frederico Hakamine

Everything you can tunnel with ngrok

What can you tunnel with ngrok? More and more, a better question is: What can't you tunnel with ngrok?
February 15, 2022
min read